Updates Incoming

I've mentioned on here previously that the current build of Neutrino Blast is Alpha and is still under development.

When I started this project the original intent was to build a simple Space Invaders clone purely as an exercise in solo development. In addition to this however, I have added many additional features which could allow more dynamic gameplay changes in future builds. This has had many positives for fast tweaking and testing. However, the level of complexity added has overshadowed the simplicity of the game. Late last week I have decided to fix this by bringing the essential gameplay back to basics.

In keeping with this I have been making some significant changes to the game. These are as follows:

  • Player can now only move right or left. Vertical movement will no longer be available as it adds nothing to the game. 
  • Player will now die after a single shot but will have 3 lives.
  • Enemies will now die after a single hit as in space invaders. 
  • Enemy hits will now yield lower score values to keep with the retro feel of the game. 
  • Side shooting enemies have been removed from Level 2 for now as they contribute little or nothing to gameplay.
  • Player cannot shoot until all enemies in a level have spawned. 
  • Player can however reposition themselves before enemy spawning is complete for protection. 
  • The entire level layout has been expanded to provide more headroom as in Space Invaders.

Further layout tweaks will be made to the HUD to use negative space on either side of the screen and avoid distracting the player from the central action zone of the game.

In addition to this, the next build will not be in-browser but will be a downloadable build for Windows. While I do intend to release on Android also down the line, this will be a later development as there are some  tweaks which must be made to make the game usable on this platform. 

Updates will continue! This is a slow but iterative process! I am just one guy so big changes take time! 

Thanks to everyone who reads this!

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